Zmienność dolnocechsztyńskiej mineralizacji kruszcowej w sąsiedztwie stref uskokowych w złożu miedziowo-srebrowym Radwanice–Gaworzyce


  • Andrzej Chmielewski
  • Andrzej Głuszyński
  • Sławomir Oszczepalski
  • Artur Kuczak


Variability of ore mineralization in the vicinity of fault zones in the Radwanice–Gaworzyce copper-silver deposit.A b s t r a c t. The characteristic of ore mineralization in the immediate vicinity of fault zones in the Lower Zechstein deposits is shown. All presented outcomes are on the basis of rock material taken from mining profiles in the Radwanice–Gaworzyce deposit area. During conducted studies ore minerals and oxide minerals were identified under optical microscope in reflected light and photographic documentation of the examined samples was undertaken. In addition, microprobe examination was carried out for selected samples from thestudied profiles along with calculations of the chemical composition of individual ore minerals. In all analyzed profiles, Rote Fäule oxidized zone (enriched with hematite) was found, which occurs at various levels of the Kupferschiefer series and the reduced zone (enriched with ore minerals) over the oxidized series. The redox front cuts across the boundaries of lithostratigraphic units, moving from the Weisliegend to the higher parts of the Zechstein Limestone. The primary ore mineralization in the examined profiles is the chalcocite-digeniteassociation with subordinate bornite and covelitte recorded in the reduced series. Furthermore, the secondary sulphide mineralization in the direct vicinity of tectonic deformation and faults superimposed on primary ore mineralization and hematite enrichments is observed and it is represented by chalcopyrite, bornite, tennantite, tetrahedrite and pyrite, both within reduced and oxidized zones.





Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia