ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Naturtejo – pierwszy portugalski geopark


  • Ewa Pijet-Migoń
  • Piotr Migoń


Naturtejo – the first Geopark in Portugal.A b s t r a c t. Naturtejo Geopark is the oldest among the UNESCO Global Geoparks in Portugal, which was admitted to the then Global Geopark Network in 2006. It is located in the eastern part of the country, on both sides of the Tagus River, close to the border with Spain. The highlights of regional geoheritage include spectacular granite landforms (inselbergs, tors, pedestal rocks), excellent exposures of Ordovician ichnofossils, deeply incised river reaches that expose deformed Lower Paleozoic basement rocks and remnants of past mining activities. The area has also rich cultural heritage which goes back to Roman times. Sixteen designated geosites and numerous walking trails are the main attractions for tourists, but the Geopark is also engaged in developing various innovative tourist and educational products focused on both geo- and cultural heritage, as well as linkages between the two.





Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia