ARTYKUŁY NAUKOWE Rola wód podziemnych w zasilaniu mokradeł w różnych warunkach geomorfologicznych


  • Krzysztof Jóźwiak
  • Tatiana Solovey


The role of groundwater in feeding wetlands in reference to various geomorphological conditions.A b s t r a c t. The aim of the article is to analyze the occurrence of hydrogenic habitats in relation to morphogenesis and local groundwater circulation systems. The study was conducted in 2017 on 61 wetlands throughout Poland. Most of the studied habitats were located in the Vistula and Warta glaciation areas. The analyzed hydrogenic habitats belonged mainly to four habitat types: telmatic organic marshes, alluvial mineral marshes, periodic moistlands and peatlands. Three small mountainous spring areas were also included in the analysis. The impact of hydrogeological conditions on the supply and contact of groundwater with the habitat was analyzed. The type of hydrological feeding of habitats was also verified . The classification of morphogenetic conditions was based on the Detailed Geological Map of Poland at a scale of 1:50 000. Based on morphogenetic units, the dominant habitat types in individual units were specified: river valleys, plain glacilacustrine, ice-marginal valleys, lake plains, upland, outwash plains. The occurrence of individual types of habitats against the background of local groundwater circulation systems was also characterized. For selected habitats, a performed analysis encompassed the impact of fluctuations in the groundwater table over many years on the possibilities of groundwater supply.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia