Islandia oczami młodego geologa – relacja ze studenckiej wyprawy naukowej SKNG UWr. (2018)


  • Dariusz Marciniak
  • Anna Szreter
  • Szymon Baran
  • Igor Błażejewicz
  • Błażej Cieślik
  • Anna Górska
  • Barbara Jednoróg
  • Karolina Kacprzak
  • Piotr Matczuk
  • Adam Wojtyna
  • Marek Awdankiewicz


Iceland in the eyes of young geologists – report from the scientific trip of SKNG UWr. (2018).A b s t r a c t. The geological field trip of the Student Science Association of Geologists at the University of Wrocław took place in September of 2018. The main goal of a 17-day and a 2850 km long trip around Iceland was to study the field geology and to gain the knowledge on active extensional tectonics, volcanism and magmatic processes in a complex geotectonic setting of the Atlatnic Mid-ocean Ridge combined with the mantle plume, as exemplified by Iceland. The group visited several dozen spectacular geosites in the active volcanic systems of Askja, Hekla, Krafla, Laki, Torfajökull, few geothermal fields across the country along with many sites of general geological and touristic interest, like waterfalls, fiords, glacial lagoons and others. This fascinating field study tour greatly deepened the geological experience of participants, highlighting the diversity and complexity of natural tectonic and volcanic phenomena



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia