ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Wydobycie i import – struktura pokrycia zapotrzebowania na ropę naftową w Polsce w latach 1990–2017


  • Jarosław Kamyk
  • Alicja Kot-Niewiadomska


Extraction and import – structure of covering the oil demand in Poland during 1990–2017.A b s t r a c t.Fromthe beginning of the 20th century until the interwar period, Poland was at the forefront of crude oil producers in theworld, and then in Europe. Poland, as a result of war damage, and first of all territorial changes that occurred after World War II, lost significant resources of this raw material. At the same time, the development of oil demand, related to the economic recovery of the country, contributed to the need to develop imports, which during 1990–2017 increased from 13.0 million tons to over 24.0 million tons of crude oil. Poland, due to the technical configuration of domestic refineries, as well as the availability of the “Przyjaźń” pipeline, imports crude oil mainly from Russia. However, Polish refineries have the opportunity to develop alternative sources of supply through the availability of Naftoport in Gdañsk. Thus, the progressive diversification of supplies, causes a decline in the share of Russian oil (from 95% during 2001–2005 to 74% in 2017), for the benefit of raw material from the Middle East, but also North America or other European countries. The extraction of crude oil from domestic deposits increased in the analyzed period from 0.15 million tons to 0.94 million tons in 2017, but in recent years it covers only 3–4% of domestic demand.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia