Z MINIONYCH CZASÓW Ślady geologii i górnictwa Sudetów oraz ich przedgórza w relacjach polskich podróżników XVIII i XIX wieku


  • Aneta Marek


Traces of geology and mining in the Sudetes Mts. and their foreland in accounts of Polish travellers of the18th & 19th century.A b s t r a c t. The aim of the article is to present selected geological and mining information concerning the area of the Sudetes Mts. and their foreland, which was published in the 19th century publications. The visitors were interested not only in natural outcrops and geological formations, but also in industrial facilities, such as quarries, mines, adits that were the part of the Sudetes landscape, thus increasing its attractiveness for tourists. Thanks to scientists, but also travellers and health resort visitors, such information was frequently published in periodicals (dailies, weeklies, annuals, etc.), or in the form of diaries, letters, textbooks, guides or brochures. The most important magazines included: Kroniki Wiadomości Krajowych i Zagranicznych, Kłosy, Wieniec, Pamiętnik Warszawski, Roczniki Gospodarstwa Krajowego. The manuscripts by S. Poniatowski and B.Z. Stęczyński as well as compact publications, including those by R. Saulson, Z. Urbanowska, A. Ostrowicz, I. Czartoryska, J.U. Niemcewicz were also published. This article presents the descriptive method and the method of historical analysis



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia