Miejsce geologii w strukturze administracji rządowej oraz jej relacje z działami administracji i gałęziami gospodarki


  • Sławomir Mazurek


In search of optimal placement of geology in the government administration and in relation to other sectorsof the administration and economy.A b s t r a c t. Senior members of the Polish geological and mining community have appealed for discussion on the main challenges facing the geology and mining sectors after thirty years of the political and economic transformation in the country. A key issue is the proper place of geology in the government administration and in relation to other administrative entities and sectors of the national economy. This article attempts to provide an answer to this issue. It presents the results of a brief analysis of the most important laws defining the role of geology, as well as strategies, policies and government plans regarding the geology and mining as well as the resource management. Shortcomings in efficient functioning of the geological administration and inconsistencies in regulations are critically assessed. A diagnosis is made and a possible solution proposed, including a change in placement of geology in the government administration.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia