Niszczenie okładziny piaskowcowej w zabytkowym budynku Traktu Królewsko-Cesarskiego w Poznaniu


  • Małgorzata Szczepaniak
  • Paulina Rój


Deterioration process of sandstone panels in a historic building of the Royal-Imperial Route in Poznań, Poland – a case study.A b s t r a c t. Sandstones are a commonly used stone in the architecture of Poznań. They are constantly affected by deterioration processes. This is mainly linked to pollution, which is a consequence of the city development. This is manifested, among others, by the emission of harmful substances from traffic routes, as well as the combustion of solid fuels in the city centre. The research is focused on the sandstone elevation of one of the monuments of the Royal-Imperial Route in Poznań – the current building of the University of Economics and Business in Poznań dated to the beginning of the 20th century. The research was carried out both – on a macro- and microscale. Taking into account the ICOMOS glossary (International Council on Monuments and Sites), the types of damage on the façade on a macroscale were classified. The most common problem was the black crust on the surface of stone panels. Thanks to the use of optical, scanning and cathodoluminescence microscopy, it was also possible to analyse various types of contaminants on a microscale that appear in the building elevation. As a result of the research, dust particles, metals such as lead, tin, zinc, iron, and sulphur and nitrogen compounds that were part of dustparticles were found. Deterioration of the façade caused by soiling derived from traffic-related particulate matter, deposition of nitrates from exhaust and other emission sources may seriously impact natural building stones.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia