Problemy granicy między plejstocenem a holocenem w aluwiach rzek nizinnych


  • Edmund Falkowski


PROBLEMS OF THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE IN LOWLAND RIVERS ALLUVIA Summary In studying lowland river valleys, the determination of boundary between Pleistocene and Holocene deposits is a fundamental condition to present precisely the model of a geological milieu, in which an engineering object is to be placed. From the engineering-geological point of view the criteria concerning determination of the boundary under consideration are elaborated insufficiently. Determination of this boundary should be based on the laws that govern the river dynamics, and on the fluviodynamical changes in time (mainly in Holocene). This can assure a proper interpretation of geological structure of alluvial deposits during documentation of the river valleys for engineering purposes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia