Możliwości zabezpieczenia dostaw mineralnych surowców budowlanych dla potrzeb zagospodarowania doliny dolnej Wisły


  • Jan Kostecki


POSSIBILITY OF SUPPLYING MINERAL BUILDING MATERIALS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOWER VISTULA RIVER VALLEY Summary As a result of various geological researches conducted for many years, numerous occurrence sites of clastic and clayey mineral deposits have been discovered and investigated in the Lower Vistula River valley and in the adjacent areas. The sums of these documented, or recorded, or estimated mineral resources found in the voivodeships situated on the Vistula River (Gdańsk, Bydgoszcz and Warsaw voivodeships) are compared with the sums of total resources of these building materials in Poland. In addition purposefulness of continuation of technological researches having in view a broader use of local mineral resources is stressed, as well. Attention has also been paid to a possibility of utilizing local waste materials. Moreover, the author substantiates a necessity of elaborating and realizing a research programme that could complement the present state of knowledge of the basis of mineral resources in the Vistula River area, in order to restrain the supply of such mineral materials from remote regions.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia