Zarys rozwoju badań nad geologią czwartorzędu doliny dolnej Wisły oraz ich znaczenie dla problemów geologiczno-inżynierskich i hydrogeologicznych


  • Józef Edward Mojski


OUTLINE OF STUDIES ON QUATERNARY GEOLOGY OF THE LOWER VISTULA RIVER VALLEY AND IMPORTANCE OF THESE STUDIES FOR ENGINEERING-GEOLOGICAL AND HYDROGEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS Summary An outline is presented of development of Quaternary geological studies on the Lower Vistula River valley, connected with the development of the researches on Quaternary stratigraphy in Poland. The character of sub-Quaternary surface, the detailed reconnaissance of the individual Quaternary lithofacial units, and the studies on Holocene of the Lower Vistula River valley, particularly on the processes taking place at present in the Vistula River channel, are referred to the main geological problems conditioning engineering-geological, hydrogeological and mineral resource relations.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia