Niektóre uwagi o metodyce badań antyklinalnych struktur wodonośnych do celów podziemnego magazynowania gazów


  • Zdzisław Mianowski


STUDY ON USEFULNESS OF ANTICLINAL WATER-BEARING STRUCTURE FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE OF GASES Summary Both determination of usefulness of anticlinal water-bearing structures for gas storage, and elaboration of technology of preparation and exploitation of reservoirs are associated with a necessity of making various versatile examinations. Maximum effectiveness of these examinations can, under conditions of rising financial expenditures according to the increased conviction as to the usefulness of the structure investigated, be obtained by application of right sequence of the problems in study, and thanks to the proper choice of the kind and range of the method applied. The article deals with the review of the methodical conceptions developed during the researches of two anticlinal structures as to their usefulness for underground storage of gas, and with the scheme of the methods applied in study of these structures. Four period of studies have been distinguished: preliminary, reconnaissance, detailed and realization period. The reconnaissance period is subdivided into the following stages: stage of choosing the region for examinations, stage of preliminary reconnaissance of structures, and stage of lithological reconnaissance. The period of detailed studies is divided into the following units: stage of determining the extent of reservoir bed; stage of detailed location of culmination summit; and stage of determination of the character of geological structure and of reservoir conditions. As fax as the realization period is concerned, the author has distinguished the following stages: stage of projecting facilities, stage of construction of the facilities, and stage of tests on an industrial scale. In addition, the author defines the fundamental tasks of each stages, and gives the methods of realization, and the scope of studies. It results from the experience and from literature data that each transposition in succession of the individual stages, or the beginning of the next stage prior to the ending of the antecedent one, cause a delay in realization of investment and an increase of costs.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia