Rozpoznanie i ustalanie zasobów glin dla potrzeb przemysłu ceramiki czerwonej w rejonach występowania trzeciorzędowych warstw krośnieńskich


  • Roman Karmański


RECONNAISSANCE AND ESTIMATION OF CLAY RESOURCES FOR RED CERAMIC INDUSTRY Summary Both the Tertiary clay shales of the Krosno beds and the Quaternary loams are, in the south-eastern area of the Rzeszów voivodeship, the fundamental mineral raw materials for ceramic production. The quality of these shales allows to assume that, using proper technology, one may produce thin-walled stonewares required in the region under consideration. A specific occurrence conditions of the Krosno beds, particularly their dips amounting to more than 50°, and their development in the form of interdigitated shale and sandstone laminae, force to apply another method of geological reconnaissance and estimation of resources of these mineral deposits. Thus, some remarks are presented in the paper discussing the methods that should be applied for documentation of such deposits, mainly as concerns field works consisting, among others, in making elongate test pits (trenches). The problem seems here to be very important since right reconnaissance and estimation of resources are necessary conditions for proper and universal use of the deposits in study.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia