Charakterystyka granatów z piasków czwartorzędowych


  • Jan Morawski


CHARACTERISTICS OF GANETS FROM THE QUATERNARY SANDS Summary Garnets of a fraction from 0.10 to 0.25 mm, occurring in four sedimentary environments, i.e. beach, fluvioglacial, aeolian and fluvial environments, have been examined. It has been ascertained that the same been examined. It has been ascertained that the same type of garnet, i.e. garnets pink in colour predominate in the sands investigated. According to the present author this may be explained by a common source of alimentation. The garnets under consideration are characterized by various degree of rounding; the best rounded garnets originate from dune sands, those of the lowest rounding degree – from fluvioglacial sands. These sands bear also certain corrosion forms that could have originated due to chemical weathering; these forms are found in redeposited sands, as well. The corrosion, that took place still in mother rocks, is related with hydrothermal processes or with diaphthoresis.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia