Zmienność żwirowisk rzecznych na przykładzie kilku dokumentowanych złóż


  • Tadeusz Musiał


VARIATION OF THE RIVER GRAVEIS, EXEMPLIFIED BY SOME DOCUMENTED DEPOSITS Summary The article deals with the results of studies on the variation of river gravel deposits, exemplified by seven deposits documented. Characteristics of the gravels from the rivers Dunajec, Odra and Bóbr and their variations are given, as well as classification is presented. Comparison with glacifluvial gravel deposits is made, too. Moreover, a correlation has also been made of the contents of sand and dust in arenaceous-gravel formations, suggesting that this can be an index of sedimentary conditions. It has generally been ascertained that the oscillations of the parameters of the gravel deposits are of occidental character and their distribution are approximate to a normal one; this allow us to apply statistical methods necessary to determine the density and accuracy of a reconnaissance. The results of the research works presented in the article can be of use in projection of prospections and in reconnaissance of the deposits of this kind.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia