Zastosowanie metody sejsmicznej do określania modułów Younga skał
APPLICATION OF SEISMIC METHOD TO DETERMINE YOUNG'S MODULUS’S OF ROCKS Summary In the article are presented seismic methods determining moduluses of elasticity, and their analysis exemplified by the seismic works of this type, made for the first time in Poland. The methods of extinction and those of recording longitudinal and transversal waves are discussed, and the results of studies on two geological-engineering objects are presented. In addition a comparison is made of Young's seismic moduluses with static moduluses obtained during investigations in situ and in. laboratory. Based on the results obtained in Poland and abroad, the author pays attention to a considerable usefulness of the seismic method of determining the Young's moduluses in the reconnaissance of the terrains destined for great constructions, mainly due to its effectiveness and quickness, as well as to the low costs effectiveness and quickness, as well as to the low costs of information.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia