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METHOD OR QUICK COMPUTATIONS OF A SINGLE FULL WELL WITH PIEZOMETRIC WATER LEVEL Summary The nomogram presented in this article has been elaborated for frequently used Depuit's formula, applied in computing a single full well characterized by piezometric water level. In addition, a technique is given of computing certain parameters of well by means of the method of successive approximations using published nomograms. This method has been used to solve the problems that can be presented in the form of two equations with two unknowns. Moreover, a scheme of computation technique is presented in order to obtain on optimal variant of the projected full well with piezometric water level. Besides a detailed description of a nomogram there are also given three -examples of computations of wells. They illustrate the technique of applying nomograms, and present the method here considered, and the way of computations. The method of successive approximations and the scheme of computations presented in this paper allow, using nomograms, to reduce time of documentation, and to use more reasonably the hydrogeological and constructional conditions, as well as to determine the most optimal variant of a well.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia