Wgłębne wody Marsa


  • Genadij Nikołajewicz Katterfeld
  • Piotr Michajławicz Frołow


DEEP WATERS ON THE PLANET MARS Summary The present article reflects the discussions about deep waters that occur on the planet Mars, The authors, Soviet scientists drawing an analogy with the Earth, ascertain that the north-eastern areas of the Soviet Union show a great thermal resemblance to the mean annual temperatures existing on Mars at 400 of latitude. Using the method of analogy, the authors suppose that on Maps, zones of permafrost occur ranging from ±40º of latitude as far as the north and the south poles. Thermal conditions of the north-eastern areas of the, USSR, and those of local deep waters allow to trace the ways of formation of deep waters on Mars.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia