Wyniki prac geologiczno-poszukiwawczych prowadzonych w nowo odkrytym Lubelskim Zagłębiu Węglowym


  • Zdzisław Dembowski
  • Józef Porzycki


RESULTS OF THE GEOLOGICAL AND PROSPECTING WORKS CARRIED OUT IN THE NEWLY DISCOVERED LUBLIN COAL BASIN Summary The article deals with the results of the geological and prospecting works carried out to search for hard coal deposits within the area of the Lublin region, between Dołhobyczów (SE) and Parczew (NW). It has been ascertained that throughout the area of study (Fig. 1), both Upper and Lower Carboniferous formations rest under the younger deposits, mainly under the Cretaceous and Jurassic ones. The area here considered can be subdivided into two regions, characterized by certain features of similar character. In the southern region the thickness of overburden strata is smaller, ranging from 360 to 750 m. The section of Carboniferous formations consists of the strata belonging mainly to the Visean (200-220 m), Namurian A, B and C (540 m), and to a small part of the Westphalian (up to 90 m). The strata contain fairly numerous, thin coal seams, among which only few attain payable thickness (up to 1.2 m). In the northern region the overburden formations are of greater thickness that ranges from 500 to 750 m, the Westphalian deposits revealing numerous intercalations and seams of coal, among which about 20 seams are of industrial value. The results obtained during the investigations prove the thesis represented by the authors that in the eastern part of the Lublin region a new vast coal basin occurs, called by them the Lublin Coal Basin. In addition the article presents an attempt at making a correlation of the Carboniferous section of the Lublin Coal Basin with that of the Lvov - Volhynia Basin (USSR), elaborated by P. L. Shulga (1962).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia