Badanie głębokiej struktury skorupy i górnego płaszcza Ziemi


  • Aleksander Guterch
  • Jerzy Jankowski
  • Roman Teisseyre
  • Jan Uchman


DEEP STRUCTURE RESEARCHES OF EARTH CRUST AND OF UPPER EARTH MANTLE Summary The article deals with the research methods of earth crust and of earth mantle, especially the deep seismic sounding, seismological prospecting and deep magnetotelluric sounding. In Poland, the researches of the deep structure of earth crust conducted by means of deep seismic sounding have been carried on by the Geological Department of Polish Academy of Sciences since 1960. These researches are accompanied by the studies on the theory of seismic wave propagation in the multilayer gradient models of earth crust, characterized by the presence of a zone of lowered velocities and of chemical and phase seismic boundaries. Moreover, the article describes a problem of the application of variable electromagnetic field in the studies on deep substratum. too. The preliminary results of such studies have encouraged to conduct also further works• by means of the methods under consideration.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia