Chemizm wód ze źródeł występujących na obszarze Warszawy


  • Jarosław Pich
  • Zenobiusz Płochniewski


CHEMISM OF SPRING WATERS IN THE AREA OF WARSAW Summary At present, there are some natural outflows of groundwaters in the area of Warsaw. These springs occur along the high valley side of the Vistula River. Some hundred years ago, the springs have more frequently been found, but in many cases, later human activity caused that most of them disappeared. On the basis of almost two-year observations, the authors discuss a strong differentiation observed in chemical composition and in general mineralization of waters of the spring considered. These differentiations between the individual springs are more considerable than the seasonal change in the composition of each of the springs at the observation time. In general, the mineralization ranges from 460 to 2340 mg/I, in waters of highest mineralization, sulphates being a predominant constituent. Other springs found in the Polish Lowland area, fed also by waters of Quaternary formations, are less mineralized. It is supposed that the water composition depends upon the strongly differentiated geological structure and upon the building development in the individual quarters of Warsaw. Waters characterized by increased mineralization (about 1 g/l), found in the Quaternary formations within the area of Warsaw, are frequently found also in the wells drilled. This problem is of both theoretical and practical significances. Thus, it seems to be purposeful to conduct works to recognize water chemism in the Quaternary horizon within the area of Warsaw, and to determine regions, where the extra-geological factors strongly affect the composition of these waters.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia