Młodotrzeciorzędowe ruchy tektoniczne w Sudetach


  • Józef Oberc
  • Stanisław Dyjor


YOUNG TERTIARY TECTONIC MOVEMENTS IN THE SUDETES Summary In the area here t:onsidered, the Young Tertiary tectonic development of the Sudetes was not uniform. During the first stage (Old Styrian phase), the strongest tectonic movements took place in the area of West Sudetes along the Lusatia overthrust, to a lesser degree also along the Intra-Sudetic fault. Eastwards, their intensity little by little decreased. In such a differentiation of the Sudetes, a considerable part was played by the pre-Upper Miocene watershed area that had previously been formed due to various stresses in the area of the Carpathian geosyncline and the Carpathian foredeep. After the tectonic movements had died out in the Carpathians, the watershed area also disappeared at the Upper Miocene time. Beginning with this moment, the entire Sudetic area has been affected by a uniform tectonic development process. The Sudetes proper, and the Fore-Sudetic block were formed after the Upper Miocene deposits had been laid down. At that time, in the Sudetic area a general tectonic line was formed, i.e. the marginal Sudetic fault. Moreover, within the Sudetes smaller horst-like elevations and grabens developed, as well. At the time of tectonic activity of the Wołów phase, the older faults were rejuvenated and in consequence led to the formation of the present-day orographic and tectonic picture of the Sudetes and the Fore-Sudetic block. On the elevated horsts, between the depression situated along the fault zone of the Middle Odra River and the pre-Upper Miocene levelling plane, the amplitude of the post-Upper Miocene movements amounts to 600 metres.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia