Prehistoryczne roboty poszukiwawcze rudy żelaza w Rudkach koło Kielc


  • Aleksy Owczarek


PREHISTORIC PROSPECTING WORKS FOR IRON ORE DEPOSIT AT RUDKI, NEAR KIELCE Summary The of iron ore deposit ,,Staszic" at Rudki, near Kielce, was a result of the researches carried out in the area of old mine workings. The siderite reserves estimated at that time were, however, not sufficient to begin a mine exploitation. During the successive studies carried on in this area, numerous old mine workings were encountered, and rich material was gathered, valuable for the history of old mining. The author discusses prehistoric works carried out to search for iron ore deposit in on old mine at Rudki, as well as describes the old mine technique.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia