Przydatność bazaltów dolnośląskich do otrzymywania odlewów skaliwnych


  • Zofia Pentlakowa
  • Stanisław Szarras


USE OF LOWER SILESIAN BASALTS IN MAKING ROCKY CASTINGS Summary Valuable mechanical properties of natural basalt are responsible for a fact that this rock has long ago been used as road material of high quality. The application of basalt on a larger scale was not possible, mainly due to certain difficulties related to its dressing in obtaining more complicated forms. A product of any form can be obtained only by its melting and casting. The article presents a review of domestic basalts. In Poland, basalts occur mainly in the Lower Silesian area. Systematic petrographical examinations of the Silesian basalts allowed us to distinguish the following 4 types: a - plagioclase, b – nepheline, c - plagioclase-nepheline and d - pyroxene varieties. About 15 basalt quarries do work in the Lower Silesia and Opole Silesia areas characterized by rich reserves of rooky materials. The basalts discussed in the present paper are classified on the basis of Niggli's parameter "si", and this allows us to determine their petrurgical usability.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia