Uwagi o "wapieniach serpulowych" dolnego sarmatu strefy progów zewnętrznych południowej krawędzi Wyżyny Lubelskiej


  • Jerzy Liszkowski
  • Janusz Muchowski


REMARKS ON "SERPULA LIMESTONES" OF LOWER SARMATIAN IN THE ZONE OUTER THRESHOLD OF THE SOUTHERN EDGE OF THE LUBLIN UPLAND Summary The paper presents a series of new data concerning lithology, palaeontologic-ecological composition and structures of biogenic limestones of Lower Sarmatian age, found in the southern edge of the Lublin Upland. Microscope examinations of these limestones, so far determined as "serpula limestones" have shown the presence of new, unknown skeleton eIements, so far not described from these formations. These are reef-building algae belonging to the sub-family Melobesieae (genera: Lithophyllum (Dermatolithon) and Melobesia (Lithoporella), benthonic calcareous foraminifers similar to those of the genus Nubecularia, and problematic structures of green algae (Dasydadaceae, Codiaceae) and Cyanophyceae. The facts allow to draw a conclusion that the Lower Sarmatian biogenic limestones are of zoophytogenic provenance. Morphologically, the biogenic limestones of Lower Sarmatian are occur in the form of sphaeroidal biohermites (onkoids, dilophoids) and of irregular, drapery-like covers of biostromal character, and are bound together, forming greater reef massifs. Moreover, a comparison of the bioliths was made with the similar formations of Tortonian age from Podolia and Georgia, and of Sarmatian in Moldavia, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia. The facts here ascertained throw new light on the reef genesis of the Lower Sarmatian biogenic limestones of the area under consideration.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia