Geneza gazu w południowej części GZW


  • Jan Rosenman


THE PROBLEM S OF ORIGIN OF GAS IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN Summary The present author considers the problem of origin of natural gas (methane} found in the southern area of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Various hypotheses concerning the origin of this gas are discussed, among which two are most important: 1) gas is here of coaly provenance only, and in rock massif occurs mainly occluded in coal; 2) gas is of migration origin and its present accumulation both in coal and in barren rocks is chiefly of allochthonous nature. Based on various researches made in bore holes and in mine workings, as well as on literature data, the present author justifies the opinion that the gas accumulation found in the barren rocks and in the overlying coal measures represents, for the most part, that of migration origin. It may have derived both from the carbonized deep-seated coal seams, and from the bituminous substance found in the limestones, dolomites and schists of the Lower Carboniferous and Devonian. The acceptance of the theory of migration origin of gas, in respect to the southern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, particularly, however, to the area of the Rybnik Coal District, enables us to elucidate here all the phenomena and irregularities which, otherwise, can hardly be explaind.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia