Występowanie węglowodorów naftowych w Zapadlisku Przedkarpackim


  • Piotr Karnkowski


OCCURRENCE OF OIL HYDROCARBONS IN THE CARPATHIAN FOREDEEP Summary The article deals with the occurrences of oil and gas deposits encountered within the Carpathian foreland area. So far, oil and gas deposits have been discovered here only in the Mesozoic formations which rest under the cover of Miocene ones. They occur mainly in the fissure-like reservoirs of Malm limestones and in the Cenomanian sandstones. The greatest oil accumulations are found in the south-eastern continuation of the Miechów trough hidden under the Miocene sediments. Gas deposits are encountered both in the Miocene substratum and in the Neogene formations. The most important gas accumulation has been found to occur in the Miocene formations, in which also most deposits have been encountered. The Miocene formations can be subdivided into several zones at regional migration to which the deposits are related. The zones of regional migration are mutually connected through a system of dislocation zones and of fractures which, under favourable conditions, could have facilitated the migration of the hydrocarbons. According to the classification of deposits here proposed, three types of deposits have been distinguished within the Carpathian foreland area: stratified type, massif type and lithologically restricted type of deposits. Moreover, the author discusses the period of the formation of these deposits, as well as the role of the formations as a main potential natural gas reservoir, and as a screen sealing both the structures and the deposits of the substratum.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia