Okruszcowanie w rejonie Radomic i Kleczy na północ od Jeleniej Góry


  • Teresa Domaszewska


MINERALIZATION IN THE REGION OF RADOMICE AND KLECZA, NORTH OF JELENIA GÓRA Summary In quartz veins that occur north of Jelenia Góra, cutting here the Silurian formations, there is found mineralization with Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, As, Sb, as well as Au and Ag. Such mineralization spots are known to occur at Milęcice, Pławno and Lubomierz, first of all, however, at Radomice and Klecza, near Pilchowice. This is an original mineralization that gave rise to the secondary classic deposits in the region of Lwówek. Numerous old workings and those of a small exploitation carried on during XIX, and at the beginnings of XX century, prove that these deposits have for a long time been known in the area considered. The exploratory works allowed the author to determine the extent and direction of the mineralized veins, their composition and kind of mineralization in the area of study. It has also been ascertained that gold occurs here mainly in the gold-bearing pyrite and not in arsenopyrite. The ore from Klecza was the richest in the Lower Silesia area. During the research works made in 1922 it was ascertained that Au content amounted to 28.6 g/t on the average, and the concentrate obtained of that ore was 64 g/Au/t. The most valuable portions underwent exploitation, and the remaining part of the original formations contained only 13.3 g/Au/t; and in consequence of this the exploitation was ceased. A present, the Lower Silesian gold deposits of this region are not greater economical importance.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia