Badanie twardości krzemieni importowanych i niektórych krajowych mikrotwardościomierzem PMT-3 oraz Hanemanna


  • Jerzy Chudziński
  • Jerzy Stawin


EXAMINATION OF HARDNESS OF IMPORTED FLINTS AND OF SOME HOME FLINT S BY MEANS OF MICRO HARDNESSTESTER PMT-3 AND HANEMANN TESTER Summary Quantitative examination of hardness of home flints, Turonian and Astartian in age, has been made on material from the marginal area of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, and then compared with the Danish flints. It has been ascertained that microhardness of the home flints of Turonian and Astartian formations is only slightly forse than of those imported from Denmark and used as balls in ball grinders, and depends mainly upon the mineral composition of rock, and upon its structure and texture. Moreover, it has been found that both microhardness tester PMT-3 and Hanemann tester are highly useful in measuring microhardness at mineral raw materials. It has also green established that to determine the actual value of the micrahardness under study, the results of measurements should be elaborated mathematically, on the basis of calculus of probability and with the aid of mathematical statistics.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia