Metodyka zestawiania mapy współczesnych ruchów skorupy ziemskiej


  • Witold Cezariusz Kowalski


METHODS OF PLOTTING MAPS OF THE PRESENT-DAY MOVEMENTS OF THE EARTH’S CRUST Summary Remembering the variations of the movements of the earth crust in time and their long-term tendencies (W. C. Kowalski, 1968) one has to take into account by constructing charts of the recent movements of the earth crust on the base of the phecise twofold geodesic surveys (considering the scantiness of these surveys): the character and strike of geological structures in every known tectonic cover; the differences of thickness of sediments and their facies – especially in neogenic and quaternary sediments; the position of the geomorphological elements and the character and the intensity of the geodynamic processes, which can be indicators of movements of the earth crust; and also first all results of geophysic investigations – especially the gravimetric and seismic ones.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia