Badania nad niektórymi składnikami fazowymi spieków samotopliwych


  • Eugeniusz Mazanek
  • Marta Wyderko


STUDY ON SOME PHASE COMPONENTS OF SELF-FUSIBLE SINTERS Summary The paper presents the results of the examinations carried out at the Department of Pig Iron Metallurgy, Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, on some components of self-fusible sinters. The examinations have been made using optical methods, X-ray analysis, thermal-differential analysis and microprobe. Properties and conditions of producing synthetic mineral components have been determined, particularly as concerns calcium ferrites, calcium magnetite and calcium olivines. The effect has also been determined of these components upon the reducibleness and resistance of sinters. This allowed these sinters to be estimated more in detail. Moreover, future problems of these studies are discussed, as well.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia