Nowa metoda uszlachetniania surowca kwarcowego


  • Nonna Bakun-Czubarow


NEW METHOD OF ENRICHING QUARTZ RAW MATERIAL Summary The author discusses laboratory assays made to enrich quartz raw materials by chlorination. method. Examined were here 4 quartz fractions from a deposit at Oleszna Podgórska, near Lubomierz. The chlorination process took place in a quartz pipe furnace at temperature of 600ºC and 700ºC, using carbon tetrachloride. CO2 cleaned in concentrated H2SO4, was used as a carrier here. The results of •the chlorination process were estimated according to a decrease in iron, titanium and aluminium oxide contents in the material examined. It results from a comparison of the effects of cleaning the quartz materials by chlorination method and by classical method (were thermal shock is connected with boiling of samples in HCl) that the chlorination is an effective and cheap method which may be applied for enriching quartz raw materials. According to the present author, this method should be introduced into the processes of glass industry.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia