Określanie zailenia skał na podstawie metody profilowania gamma
DETERMINATION OF CLAY CONTENT IN ROCKS BY MEANS OF GAMMA LOGGING METHOD Summary In numerous problems of drilling geophysics the knowledge of the degree of clay content in rocks seems to be necessary. Determination of clay content in rocks by means of gamma logging method is the main topic of the article. Based on ample data obtained in numerous examinations the author is of the opinion that sandstone-clay and carbonate rocks (which do not contain admixtures of glauconite, monacite and other chemical elements distinguished by increased radioactivity) are characterized by an increased radioactivity with the increase in the content of clay material and dispersion degree. As concerns, for example, the carbonate rocks from Grzybów, a close correlation exists between the clay content and gamma radiation intensity. The author describes the method of gamma logging applied ,in her investigations and suggests that the application of this method would allow us to reduce, on a large scale, the coring intensity, thus giving considerable decrease in the costs of drilling.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia