Anormalne miąższości utworów czwartorzędowych w okolicy Łęczycy i ich geneza


  • Jerzy Liszkowski
  • Grażyna Wójcik


ANOMALOUS THICKNESSES OF QUATERNARY FORMATIONS IN THE VICINITY OF ŁĘCZYCA AND THEIR GENESIS Summary In the vicinity of Łęczyca narrow zone of anomalous thickness of Quaternary formations has been ascertained to run conformably with the direction of strata and the structure of the Kujavian anticlinorium. Linear extension of this zone in a NW or SE direction is not known. In this zone the thickness of the Quaternary deposits exceeds 270-300 m, and the top of. the sub-Quaternary formation occurs at a level of 200 m a.s.1.! Age and genesis of the zone of great thicknesses of the Quaternary deposits are analysed, and a conclusion is drawn that the zone is a marginal neotectonic graben formed in the westerly part of the Łęczyca-Kłodawa salt plug due to the activity of halokinetic movements related to the Wallachian phase of the Alpine orogeny. The present-day neotectonic activity of this region is emphasized. In the area here considered the contemporaneous movements of the Earth's crust may reach their absolute value amounting to 3,0 and more millimetres a year.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia