Dokładność map geologiczno-inżynierskich w zależności od skali i ilości punktów dokumentacyjnych


  • Józef Bażyński


EXACTNESS OF ENGINEERING-GEOLOGIC MAPS DEPENDING ON SCALE AND NUMBER OF DOCUMENTARY POINTS Summary Documentary points subdivided into fundamental and auxiliary are presented. To the fundamental points are referred sites located on a map where adequate observations, measurements or research works have been made, the geological facts shown on this map being ascertained directly. An auxiliary point does not meet the requirements mentioned above, but it indirectly affect the interpretation of the geological facts presented in a given map. Thus, the division of the documentary points is related to the item of this map. Both fundamental and auxiliary point may additionally be subdivided on the basis of various criteria. The present author gives a subdivision of points, according to their character, having in view the purpose of geological surveys. The article also gives a set of documentary points falling on 1 km2, according to various sources, and presents the proposal and opinion of the author. The proposal concerns the flat areas of the Quaternary cover. For uncovered or mountainous areas, or in the case of application of aerial photographs, reduction coefficients should be taken into account. The accuracy of engineering- geological maps, expressed by the quantity of documentary points on 1 km2, has been presented in the form of tables and diagrams. A simultaneous presentation of the mean distances between points in the field and on the map may be obtained by a proper selection of the accuracy of a map.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia