Piętrowa budowa fałdu Suchych Rzek na N od Połoniny Caryńskiej


  • Bogdan Królikowski
  • Marek Muszynski


STOCKWORK STRUCTURE OF THE SUCHE RZEKI FOLD, NORTH OF POŁONINA CARYŃSKA Summary Within the Bieszczady Mts. area the authors have made detailed geological surveys covering a territory situated between the Caryńska and WetIińska Połonina ridge, and the chain Dwernik - Kamień - Magura Stuposiańska. Intermediate Lower and Middle Krosno Beds have been ascertained in the area studied. The investigation of their intersection boundaries allowed the authors to distinguish three parallel structural zones: Suche Rzeki anticline, Nasiczny syncline and Zatwarnica saddle. On the basis of geological cross sections an attempt was made to interpret the tectonics of these zones, particularly complicated at the junction of the Suche Rzeki anticline and Nasiczny syncline, mainly due to a warped character of both structural elements. As concerns oil prospection, the Ciężkowice sandstone has been taken into account. Within the area of survey this sandstone has been interpreted on the basis of the neighbouring bore hole Zatwarnica IG-1. In addition to, this also the horizon of the Lower Krosno Beds bas been taken into consideration on the supposition that the water-bearing nature may here be interpreted as oil-bearing one.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia