Zarys sytuacji geologicznej złóż surowców ilastych oraz niektóre problemy przemysłu ceramiki budowlanej na obszarze woj. Białostockiego


  • Alicja Bałuk


OUTLINE OF GEOLOGICAL SITUATION OF CLAY DEPOSITS AND SOME PROBLEMS OF CERAMIC INDUSTRY IN THE BIAŁYSTOK REGION Summary Geological situation of some clay deposits is presented on the basis of the results obtained in the last years during the investigations made by the Geological Institute in the Białystok region. The mineral raw material basis of the area studied consists mainly of Quaternary clay-silt formations, laid down in an ice-damned lake. In the southern and middle parts of the area, these represent the sediments of the Middle-Polish Glaciation, whereas in the northern one – those of the North-Polish Glaciation. As a rule, the formations make only small deposits, for the most part non-payable as concerns the production of different ceramic building materials. The deficiency in production of these materials, the increasing demand as well as the evaluation of the ceramic plants existing now in the Białystok region allow us to draw a conclusion that in this area, the industry here considered calls for a quick modernization and development, this being connected, however, with an additional discovery of new high-quality clay deposits. To complete the description of the ceramic problems from the Białystok region, the author gives some remarks concerning tile production, so characteristic industrial branch of the region in study.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia