Występowanie tonsztajnu w tzw. "piaskowcach z Karniowic" koło Trzebini
OCCURRENCE OF TONSTEIN IN THE "SANDSTONES FROM KARNIOWICE" IN THE EASTERN PART OF THE CRACOW-SILESIAN COAL BASIN Summary The author presents the results of the studies on tonstein found to occur in the so-called "sandstones from Karniowice" exposed in the eastern part of the Cracow-Silesian Coal Basin, between Trzebinia and Krzeszowice (Fig. 1). The tonstein here considered had , previously applied in the form of an intercalation in coal that at the outcrops underwent complete weathering. On the basis of lithology and sequence of the adjacent deposits, and on the petrographical structure, the tonstein here considered has been correlated with the tonsteins that occur in the seam 214 (Westphalian b/9). The results of this correlation are important for age dating of coal-less deposits, poor in fossils, e.g. the "sandstones from Karniowice". These deposits consisting mainly of arkosic sandstones with thin intercalations of day rocks (Fig. 2), reddish in colour, have previously been referred to Staphanian (7, 8). The results of investigations presented in this paper are basis to determine the age of part of these formations as Westphalian B, this proving the thesis presented by this author in his previous papers (4, 5, 6).Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia