Wpływ rozpoznania geologicznego na cykliczność budowy kopalni


  • Kazimierz Głowacz


INFLUENCE OF GEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE UPON CYCLIC NATURE OF MINE CONSTRUCTION Summary Polish Geological Survey has strengthened the mineral raw material basis of the country, giving rich deposits of sulphur, copper ore, zinc and lead ores, hard and brown coals, as well as numerous chemical and constructional mineral raw materials. Many of these mineral deposits are now exploited, mainly due to numerous crews experienced in mine construction. A close co-operation of geologists, mine engineers and exploiters has led to a coordination in the investment cycles that have considerably accelerated the exploitation of the mineral deposits considered. Poland is now able not only to develop its own mining industry, but also to cooperate in the development of this industry in foreign countries. The highly experienced staff of geologists and mine engineers, as well as a notable quality of technical equipment assures effectiveness in exportation of both geological and mining services.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia