Poziom morski Śtur w karbonie rejonu Bielsko - Cieszyn Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Kazimierz Matl


MARINE HORIZON STUR IN CARBONIFEROUS OF THE BIELSKO - CIESZYN REGION (UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN) Summary Bore hole Bielsko-2 has been completed in the area of an insufficiently known southern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, about 5 km north of Bielsko Biała (Fig. 1). The Carboniferous section reveals here the so-called marine horizon Štur (914.41- 950 m), the lithological structure of which and the fauna composition are discussed in this paper. The Štur horizon is known to bear fragments of Productus and Spirifer forms. This is a very important correlation horizon in the Carboniferous of the Coal Basin, where it determines the bottom of the productive part of Carboniferous, and the beginning of coal-less aeries of the lowermost Namurian A (Upper Kijów Beds). This horizon found by bore hole Bielsko-2 is also highly important for determination of Carboniferous stratigraphy within the so far slightly investigated part of the Carboniferous trough buried under the Carpathian overthrust in the vicinity of Bielsko Biała. The marine horizon Štur also gives some bases for correlation with the adjacent areas of the basin, particularly with the Ostrava-Karvina region in Czechoslovakia.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia