Uwagi o iłach laminowanych w Sudetach


  • Józef Oberc
  • Anna Sadowska
  • Stanisław Dyjor


REMARKS ON LAMINATED CLAYS IN THE SUDETES Summary The article is a continuation of the discussion held in “Przegląd Geologiczny”, and begun once in the papers on both the age and magnitude of the Young Tertiary tectonic activity in the Sudetes, and the age of the so-called ice-dammed lake clays. In the papers No No 11 and 12, issued in 1968, microfloristic and geologic studies were analysed, as well as geomorphic development and tectonic activity in the Sudetic area were discussed in the light of the studies considered. The present article is a .reply to Prof. Dr. H. Teisseyre's article printed in this issue on the genesis and age of the Sudetic varved clays.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia