Uwagi o genezie i wieku sudeckich iłów warwowych


  • Henryk Teisseyre


REMARKS ON GENESIS AND AGE OF SUDETIC VARVED CLAYS Summary During his numerous trips within the Sudetic area, the present author bad some possibilities to investigate many sites of ice-dammed lake deposits. More in detail these formations were examined by mm during the cartographical works conducted in the vicinity of Wałbrzych, Świebodzin, Lubiechów, Bolków, and in the area between Bolków and Wojcieszów. The author is also acquainted with the opinions of numerous German geologists who investigated previously the Sudetic areas; particularly, however, with certain results published by the Wrocław geographical school, mainly as concerns glacial formations. The purpose of this paper is to present some more important observations as to the relationships between the Sudetic ice-dammed lake deposits and other. Pleistocene deposits, particularly those throwing light on the age and genesis of the formations considered.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia