Żwironośność zachodniej części Pradoliny Toruńsko-Eberswaldskiej


  • Janusz Sobol
  • Ireneusz Wróbel


GRAVEL OCCURRENCES IN THE WESTERLY PART OF THE TORUŃ-ELBERSWALDE URSTROMTAL Summary The article deals with the works made in the northern part of the Zielona Góra voivodship to search for natural crushed stone deposits. On the basis of published data and on archival materials the authors of the present paper have analysed the state of the previous geological reconnaissance of the region considered. Both cartographical works related to the elaboration of a map of the building mineral raw materials of Poland and drilling materials point to be presence of a gravel-and-pebble mix, from 7 to 52 m in thickness. The geological sections elaborated on the basis of these materials confirm the conception on the gravel occurrences in the Torun-Eberswalde urstromtal.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia