Przejawy wulkanizmu w strefie nasunięcia michałkowickiego i fałdu orłowskiego w NW części GZW


  • Wiesław Gabzdyl
  • Telesfor Dudziak
  • Jan Tomica


VOLCANISM PHENOMENA, IN THE MICHAŁKOWICE OVERTHRUST AND THE ORŁOWSKI FOLD IN THE NW PART OF THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN Summary Volcanic breccia has been found to occur in variegated series of Carboniferous age within Saddle Beds. Volcanic phenomena may be observed within the north - western part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin not only in the vicinity of Orłowski fold, but also in the region of Michałkowice overthrust. At the contact with the volcanic rocks coal underwent alteration and changed into graphite. It has been ascertained that along the outcrops of the variegated series of Carboniferous age, where coal seams partially disappear, a deep erosional trough occurs, formed within the Saddle Beds, running almost concordantly with their strike.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia