Profilowanie (geofizyczne) otworów i jego zastosowanie przy projektowaniu i kontrolowaniu ekranów cementacyjnych
GEOPHYSICAL LOGGING IN BORE HOLES AND ITS APPLICATION IN PROJECTING AND CONTROLLING CEMENT SCREENS Summary In order to increase the exactness of the documentations used for projecting cementation screens, from both geological and technical points of view, Czechoslovakian specialists made an attempt at using such a method that, apart from human factor, would allow us to determine, fairly precisely the fundamental properties of basement rocks, which are of decisive importance for projecting and performing cementation works. To this effect the value of geophysical measurements in bore holes has been examined and instruments and work methods commonly applied in search for mineral raw materials have been analysed. For the most part formations of flysch type have been taken into consideration manly due to the fact that there cement screens belong to the most troublesome operations. The first loggings of this kind have been made in Czechoslovakia on a cement screen made during construction of a dam at Sance Beskid Mountains, an Ostravica RiverDownloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia