Zastosowanie klasyfikacji hydrochemicznej przy poszukiwaniach naftowych


  • Leszek Bojarski


APPLICATION OF HYDROCHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION IN SEARCH FOR CRUDE OIL Summary Hydrochemical coefficients are one of the important criteria in search for crude oil. Having this in view. the present author has elaborated the subdivision of ground waters based on the classification of W.A. Sulin. To the zone of intense water exchange are referred waters of HCO3-Na type, and those of transition zone (SO4-Na type) and Cl-Mg type. The lower more stable zone with brine of Cl-Mg type has been subdivided into 5 classes characterized by various degree of possibility in preservation of hydrocarbon deposits. Class Cl-Ca I –II, when r Na : r Cl is more than 0,75, is characteristic of a low-perspective zone; class Cl-Ca III-V, when r Na : r Cl O.'M. :is Cl is more than 0,75, represents the perspective zone. This is represented by brines completely isolated from the adjacent waters, the chemical composition of which resembles that of relict waters. The classification is highly clear and adapted to the conditions found to occur in the Polish Lowland area.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia