Rozprzestrzenienie i geneza trzeciorzędowych osadów glaukonitowych na obszarze NE obrzeżenia Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Jerzy Liszkowski
  • .Janusz Stochlak


DISTRIBUTION AND GENESIS OF TERTIARY GLAUCONITIE DEPOSITS IN THE AREA OF THE NORTH-EASTERN MARGIN OF THE ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MTS. Summary The article presets some new data on the distribution of the Tertiary gIauconite deposits found to occur within the Mesozoic north-eastern marginal zone of the Świękrzyskie Mountains. A comparison of the grain size curves of these deposits and of their petrographical features with the Callovian, Albian and Cenomanian glauconite deposits of the area in study, and the Upper Lower Oligocene and Lower Tortonian glauconite deposits of the western part of the Luolin Upland, allowed the author to determine their age as Lower Oligocene or Upper Eocene. It may be ascertained on the basis of genetical interpretation of grain size curves and of glauconite contents in the deposits considered that the sedimentation of the Lower Oligocene glauconite deposits has taken place in an environment of a partly isolated marine basin, within a mediolittoral zone similar to the morphological plan of the tide zone of the North Sea (Watten-See). Moreover, in the light of a new conception in. the origin of terrigenous material is discussed andth e problem of glauconitization of these -deposits is. considered.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia