Aniony jaka charakterystyczne składniki zasolenia wód kapalnianych południowej części Rybnickiego Okręgu Wodnego


  • Marian Marczak
  • Zbigniew Gregorowicz
  • Marian Chaber


ANIONS AS CHARACTERISTIC COMPONENTS OF SALINITY OF MINE WATERS IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE RYBNIK COAL DISTRICT Summary The geochemical examinations have concerned mine waters found to occur in the southern part of the Rybnik Coal District. On the basis of the results obtained during the determination of the content of chloride, sulphate and hydrogen carbonate ions, an analysis has been made of changes in the mineral composition of waters of the area considered. It has also been established that the four regions, distinguished also according to geological and tectonical development, differ from each other in having characteristic composition of salinity of mine waters.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia