Perspektywy odkrycia złóż metali na Dolnym Śląsku


  • Jerzy Niśkiewicz


PERSPECTIVES FOR DISCOVERING NEW METAL ORE DEPOSITS IN THE LOWER SILESIAN AREA Summary The article is an analysis of the possibilities of discovering new metal ore deposits on the basis of the results obtained during the geological investigations made within the Lower Silesian area at a period from 1945 to 1970. To the massifs of both ultrabasic and basic rocks are related occurrence possibilities of chromite, titano-magnetite and copper-nickel ore deposits. The occurrence area of mica schists between Proszowa and Mała Kamienica (lzera Mts.) seems to be highly promising in search for tin ore deposits. The occurrence of molybdenum-tungsten-tin ore deposits is possible in the south-western part of the Strzegom-Sobótka granite massif. Polymetallic hydrothermal ore deposits are to be expected in a contact zone of both the Kaczawa and Izera Mts., as well as within the area of the Kaczawa Mts. and in their fareIand. A discovery of sedimentary and sedimentary-metamorphic iron are deposits may take place in the region Śnieżnik-Stronie Śląskie in the Kaczawa Mts., and within the area of the Fore-Sudetic block. Moreover, in the Lower Silesia area there are some possibilities in search for uranium ore deposits, mainly within the Fore-Sudetic monocline, pegmatite deposits in the Sowie Mts., and within their foreland, as well as another copper ore deposits within the Fore-Sudetic monocline and the Żary anticlinorium.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia