O konieczności wprowadzenia nowoczesnych metod badawczych w geologii wgłębnej (cz. II)


  • Zbigniew Kotański


ON THE NECESSITY OF INTRODUCING MODERN RESEARCH METHODS IN DEEP-STRUCTURE GEOLOGY (PART II) Summary After analysis of the actual state in the cartographic methods in subsurface geology in Poland author concludes, that they are mostly imperfect in comparison with the level attend by the subsurface geology in the Soviet Union and United States, and are not very useful in the current oil and gas prospecting. Improvement this state is possible by introduction to the practice quantitative lithological, paleotectonic and paleogeological maps. All these maps are tested tools in evaluation of subsidence (thickness analysis), in classification of bassin (thickness and tectofacial analysis), in observation of changes in structural plans (paleogeologic maps) and fluid migrations (paleohydrodynamic maps) and in the discovering lithologic, stratigraphic and structural (paleostructural) traps. For these reconstructions are necessary not only izopach maps of preserved thicknesses, but also paleoizopach maps of primary thicknesses. Application of these quantitative methods and maps to subsurface geology will permit to reach the actual level of prospecting geophysics in Poland. It is the fundamental condition in atteinment the real success in the discovering of new oil pools in Poland.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia